Member-only story
Five Tools in my Life’s Toolkit
I started this blog in 2017 to tell . Funny stories like that time I got drunk for the first time and drunk dialed my mom, reflective stories about stupid choices and God’s redeeming love, and jaw-dropping tales like that one time, more like four times, random guys on the D.C. metro decided I was the perfect centerpiece to jerk off to. Ultimately, I have shared “ my life’s broken pieces sprinkled with silver lining perspective “ through personal narratives. And I want to keep doing that.
However, one of my 2020 blog goals is to share the broken pieces of other women’s stories sprinkled with silver lining perspectives. Hence, a new monthly series titled “WHAT’S IN YOUR TOOLKIT?” is coming to the blog. This series will feature up to three (3) women and a theme each month. Each woman will share one tool (a value, book, principle, role model, song, etc) from their life’s toolkit and how their tool of choice has helped them in navigating the theme of the month. Keeping with the ethos of the blog, but totally optional, each lady will include a short story. “WHAT’S IN YOUR TOOLKIT?” will start in February, and February’s theme is Mental Health. In anticipation of the series, this week, I am sharing five tools from my personal life’s toolkit
Integrity: I told a lie in my early 20s, and the ripple effect swept wide and deep. It was a burden I carried for five (5) years…